About Gearhead..

Hello y’all!

I’m Billy, the Gearhead in the Videos, and over the years, you may have come across me whilst I was…
A Youtube DIY Autosports star with over 17 million views.. or
A Race car driver… or
A Race car builder… or
A Race car event organizer.. or
A Car mechanic… or
A Performance car parts dealer.. or
A Car show vendor…
Or a Harley Davidson sales specialist

OR… that cute toddler with my race car driver dad (Billy Senior) at a race event!!!

But, perhaps you did not know that I was also a mechanical engineer and engine and car accessories designer?!

So, as you can guess, the only thing that drives me (hahaha!) is CARS! And that is what this new website intends to do – share my knowledge and love of cars with you… and help guide you in your hobby projects..

I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!